
WARC is a general purpose amateur radio club and its over 135 members are involved in all aspects of amateur radio. We make a special effort to participate in providing communications support for public service events, teaching classes for those who wish to obtain an amateur radio license or upgrade their license privileges and serving as Volunteer Examiners as part of the ARRL VEC program. The club was founded in 1964 and has been designated an ARRL Special Service Club since 1984.

Officers and Committee Chairs

WARC Constitution and By-Laws

Mission Statement

The Warminster Amateur Radio Club familiarizes its members with the many aspects of amateur radio and encourages its members to use their communication and technical skills by participating in activities that increase favorable awareness of amateur radio in the general community.

Club Activities

  • Community Service (communications for municipal parades, walkathons and bikeathons sponsored by charities, public events, emergency communications, etc.)
  • Classes
  • Tutoring (Elmering)
  • Construction Projects
  • Traffic Handling
  • Field Day
  • Amateur Satellite Communications (including OSCAR and the Space Shuttle)
  • DX (long distance communications)
  • VHF/UHF/Microwave communication
  • Mobile Radio Communications
  • Computers & Digital Communicaton (Including Packet, RTTY (radio teletype), AMTOR, PACTOR, Facsimile, Keyboard CW)
  • Amateur Radio License Exams
  • Special Events Stations
  • Contests (HF, VHF/UHF)
  • Hamfests
  • Certificate and Award Chasing
  • QRP (Low power communication)
  • Rag Chewing (long conversations)
  • Radio Direction Finding (RDF) Including “Fox Hunts” – hidden transmitter location competitions.

Change in Club Call Sign >From WA3DFU to K3DN

On August 5, 1996 the Warminster Amateur Radio Club call sign was changed to honor the memory of Dr. Robert F. Peterson Sr. “Pete” was one of the club’s earliest members and was an active participant in club activities until he became a silent key in October, 1983.

Pete was first licensed as W7BJZ in Missoula, Montana when he was 23 years old and in 1973 upgraded to Amateur Extra, receiving the call K3DN. He was active in many aspects of the hobby, including RACES, and derived a great amount of satisfaction from his DX activities on 10 meters and two meters during the sunspot cycle peak 1957-1959. He also was active on the early OSCAR Satellites and was one of the first amateurs to use computers in conjunction with ham radio. For many years after Pete’s death, his wife Kay remained active in club activities to maintain the link with the club that had meant so much to her husband. Pete’s brother A. E. Peterson (NO5X) and son Dr. Robert F. Peterson Jr. (W3IKZ) remain active in the hobby.

While there was a great amount of tradition associated with our former club call, WA3DFU, the Warminster Amateur Radio Club takes great pride in remembering one of its former members, Pete Peterson, K3DN. May his name and call sign continue to inspire our members to participate in community service activities and all aspects of amateur radio.