President’s Message – July 2016
Welcome to Summer!
Well, Field Day has wrapped up, and WARC has put on another successful event. The weather cooperated, even if the bands didn’t, and everyone pitched in to make this year’s version one to remember. We had a full array of stations, including VHF/UHF, satellite, and even a fully solar powered 2m set up, along with four HF positions. A special thanks to Ron NY3J & Shrini KC3FJB for step-ping up to get our 15m position on the air, and to Tom KC3HAS and Anna for running the station through to the end. Our 20m position dedicated themselves this year to welcoming new hams that haven’t had much opportunity to operate HF, as well as visitors interested in joining the hobby, and their effort was met with much enthusiasm. As usual, Mark AA3K & Marianne KA2VJO proved to be excellent hosts, keeping us hydrated and well-fed for the duration. Doc W3GAD oversaw the prep leading up to FD, and put the pieces in place to carry it off without a hitch, even as he was unable to attend himself. After last year’s cancellation, it was nice to get back to business, and I’m proud of the way we all came together to put that behind us and make this a great operation.
July marks the beginning of the new terms for our incoming Executive Board and elected Directors. The names and faces are familiar, with the addition of Kathy KC3FBY starting her officially elected tenure. I’d like to thank all of my fellow Board members for the time and effort they dedicate to this club, and for making my job easier. It is my pleasure to serve with them all, and I am hon-ored to begin my second term as your President.
The time is at hand to begin nominating candidates for the Dave Simpson WI3Y Outstanding Ham of the Year award. This award was created in honor of WI3Y, a long-time club member who became SK late last year, and is designed to recognize WARC mem-bers for their service and dedication to the club and ham radio in general. You can read more about the details on WARCTalk (under the Files section).
We’ve landed an exceptional guest speaker for our November presentation. I don’t want to give too much away too soon, but suffice it to say this is a real coup, and this presentation will be one that you won’t want to miss!
For the presentation this month, we will recap our Field Day experience, followed by a presentation on Transmitters and Micro-waves. See you there!
de Tony, W3FLH