Classes/VE Testing


Spring 2025 HAM Radio Classes
Starting Monday, February 3, 2025

Morse Code is no longer required for HAM Radio licenses.

If you’re interested in Ham Radio, or think you might be, this is your opportunity. Perhaps you’d like to learn about digital communications, VHF, UHF, satellite, or perhaps you’d rather sit down and chat with someone in South Africa, Russia, Great Britain or in the space station.

General License classes
We will be offering a General License class on Mondays, 7-9 PM ET, via Zoom starting Monday, February 3, 2025. The class dates are 2/3; 2/10; 2/17; 2/24; 3/3; 3/10; 3/17; 3/24; 3/31; 4/7; 4/14; 4/21.

These instructor lead classes will enable you to upgrade your license and give you more access to HAM radio channels. Most students are ready to take the general level license test by the end of the classes. There is no cost for this class and instructional materials will be provided. The recommended text for the class is the ARRL General Class License Manual 10th Edition. This text includes the entire question pool with answer key for use July 1, 2023, through June 30, 2027. The text is available from or

All classes are held VIA Zoom. The instructors for the class are Dan Clementi K3GMQ, Tony Simek N3YNH, and Dave McGowan K3FTD. For further information contact George Brechmann, N3HBT at 215-443-5656.


Warminster Amateur Radio Club conducts Amateur Radio License Testing sessions the last Monday evening of each month except August and December. The sessions are held at the Benjamin Wilson Senior Center, 580 Delmont Ave., Warminster, PA, and start promptly at 7:00 PM (registration 6:45 PM). The cost, as specified by federal statute, is $15.00 per testing session. Confirm all information, in advance, with the contact person.

  • Licensed applicants must bring the original, and one photocopy of their license.
  • All applicants, including children, must bring two forms of positive ID.
  • Also bring the original, and a copy, of any Certificate of Successful Completion needed to prove current status.

Talk-in is available on the club repeater, (147.09+ PL131.8 as needed). Directions and details can also be obtained by calling  Larry Abbott (215) 704-3282 between 9AM and 9PM.


[gmap title=”Ben Wilson Center” show_heading=”0″ latitude=”40.217030″ longitude=”-75.120427″ zoom=”17″ width=”75%” height=”350px” map_type=”ROADMAP”]