The Warminster Amateur Radio Club Inc.

Warminster Township, Bucks County, Pennsylvania

WARC is a general-purpose amateur radio club with over 135 members who are involved in all aspects of amateur radio. We make a special effort to participate in providing communications support for public service events, teaching classes for those who wish to obtain an amateur radio license or upgrade their license privileges and serving as Volunteer Examiners as part of the ARRL VEC program. The club was founded in 1964 and has been designated an ARRL Special Service Club since 1984.

The WARC General Membership meeting is held on the 1st Thursday evening of every month beginning at 7:30 p.m.  Our meetings are held IN PERSON at the Ben Wilson Senior Center.

CLUB 2 METER NET– WEDNESDAYS 8:00 PM 147.090 +  pl 131.8  FM Repeater

10 METER NET – SUNDAYS 8:00 PM 28.445 USB

Meetings are the 1st Thursday of the Month
@ Ben Wilson Senior Center, Warminster 

February 2025 Feedback

Questions? Contact Us at
215-443-5656 or at WARMrcinfo@gmail.com

Mailing Address:
Warminster Amateur Radio Club  
Box 113  
Warminster, PA 18974